Poésie - enfants
Hand on heart
They said it would be and adventure
They said il would be fun
They said we would be defending our country
They said that the war would be won
Gun on shoulder, hand on heart
We promised that we would all do our part
To win the war, to seize the day
But the war still won’t go away
Months have past and we’re still here
Weak from lack of rhum and beer
Stomach empty, rumbling along
As the public cheers along in song
They don’t know what we have seen
As images come to mind as we dream
Heart still trembling as we sweat with fear
It can only go downhill from here
Megan-Hope Davis - 12 years old - written in 2021 - London - England
Text send by Louise Gagné from her granddaughter on July 15, 2022
(Voir la traduction française faite par Louise Gagné dans l'onglet: La guerre)